What Are The Factors That Instrument Installation Companies Singapore Follow For Installing Good Measuring System?

Are you thinking about installing an electric measuring device without the help of the instrument installation companies Singapore? Think again. The professionals of the installation companies know certain tips and tricks that can help them to complete the installation process easily and successfully within a stipulated time. In the following section of this article, we have talked about the factors that these companies follow to the tee to make the installation process easier and smoother. 

What You Need to Measure

Before installing the device, the professionals often try to find out whether they will be installing a single electric parameter or all the various types of electric pumps overhaul services. That helps the contractors to figure out which of the devices to install to get the best possible results. The multi-parameter devices can be used for measuring and displaying all the different phases easily. However, you can get these multifunction instruments only in the panels. However, the space factor of such devices is extremely limited. So you need to make sure which of the parameters you need to measure in the first place to understand which of the devices you should select.


Selecting The Measuring Unit

The instrument should always be selected depending on the variety of the distribution system. For example, in the single-phase system digital and analog machines are chosen for measuring current flow, voltage, power factor, and frequency. An analog system also ensures reading stability thanks to the inertia of the needle. In the analog system, you can easily find out whether the machine is working properly or the reading has gone significantly off the charts. This is not possible in the case of digital instruments. In these cases, the only difference point is the value that is on display.


Sizing The System

Understanding the main parameters of the plant or the industry is one of the basic factors that help you size the measuring system. If you understand this factor, it will help you to determine the characteristics of the protection switch, the rated current, the type of distribution system, and the rated voltages. For example, if you need to measure an 800a current you cannot connect the measuring instrument directly to the line. In such a situation, a current transformer should be used for completing this task. Having said that, you need to understand that there are various types of transformers available in the market. Depending on the assembly system, you can choose the Transformer that you need according to your requirement.


Cabling and Wiring

Compared to the digital systems connecting the analog instruments is significantly simpler. It is enough to just connect the neutral and phase cables to the terminal of the instrument to establish the whole system. You also need to connect different cables to the auxiliary supply to make the digital system functional. However, if the system has three different phases, you need to find out three different Transformers to complete the job.


These are some of the factors that professional shop instrumentation companies follow to complete the job perfectly. If you want to deliver a job as precise as the professionals you need to follow the above factors closely.


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